Domain-Driven Data: Matching Databases to Data Problems

Available On Demand

The touchstones of tomorrow’s information systems are data and integration. Stovepipe applications are no longer acceptable, and silo-ed data sources must evolve and open up to the full enterprise. All this in an environment where more is expected quicker and at a lower cost.

But there are so many types of databases and data analysis tools from which to choose. Should you use a relational database? How about a key-value store? Maybe a document database? Or is a graph database the right fit? What about polyglot persistence and the need for advanced analytics? Help!

In this talk, we will walk through the development of a customer-facing mobile app. You’ll see how full-stack developers and data scientists can work together to easily move data across databases and development languages so everyone works in their favorite environment without the friction and productivity loss of the past.


Raj R Singh

Developer Advocate, US

Anthony Abdulla
Portfolio Marketing Manager: IBM CDS | Cloudant

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