
Everybody Code: Teaching and Learning an Essential 21st-century Skill
Event Date: 12/08/2015 02:00 PM Central Standard Time

Helping kids master computer science, even young students, sets them on the path to success in a world driven by technology. Knowing how to code is more than handy – it supports logic, problem-solving and creativity, but teaching it can sometimes seem overwhelming.

In this useful webinar, Shannon McClintock Miller will:
  • Explain the importance of learning to code
  • Share strategies and resources for teaching this essential skill
  • Discuss ways to integrate coding into the classroom and library through various events and programs
  • Introduce free digital tools, apps and programs available to help librarians, educators and parents

By starting young, students build a foundation for success in 21st-century career paths. Join Shannon McClintock Miller for this webinar and walk away with innovative ways to bring coding to your school community.

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