
Planning for Spending in Retirement

What if you were told you needed to prepare for a 30-year unemployment? Would you pay close attention to your spending and try to anticipate how your cash-flow needs might evolve over that period? Considering retirement planning from this perspective is a great motivator to start setting and meeting your retirement savings and spending goals. According to a recent AICPA survey on trends in personal financial planning, not having enough money for retirement is the #1 concern of Americans. As you envision what your life and finances might look like after you retire, cash flow planning is a critical piece of the retirement planning puzzle. Join our panel of CPA financial planners as they address envisioning retirement, planning for spending in retirement, and how to connect your spending and savings goals prior to and in retirement in this webcast hosted by the AICPA’s Personal Financial Planning Section and 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy.
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