

IMA Webinar

Using an Ethical Reasoning Model to Teach Ethics

Friday, November 30, 2018 at 01:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Duration: 60 minutes

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Event Description

Ethical reasoning is critical to professional success as an accountant. Yet accounting professors struggle to teach technical knowledge and also help their students develop ethical reasoning skills. Susan Wolcott, of WolcottLynch Associates, will introduce an ethical reasoning model and demonstrate how to use the model to teach and grade/assess ethical reasoning in an accounting course.

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, you will be able to:

1. Describe desirable ethical reasoning skills.
2. Identify major student difficulties in addressing an ethical dilemma.
3. Discuss an ethical reasoning model.
4. Design ethical reasoning assignments that also address technical course content.
5. Use a rubric to grade/assess ethical reasoning.

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Please Note: Recorded webinars are not eligible for CPE credit.