IMA Webinar
How in the World Do I Teach Data Analytics?
Friday, February 23, 2018 at 01:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 60 minutes
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Event Description
Everyone is talking about data analytics, but textbooks and teaching cases have little content on this important emerging skill for accountants. In this webinar, Kip Krumwiede, of IMA, will discuss what data analytics means, how it fits with other management accounting competencies, applications and models, and ways to teach it, including cases and research studies.
Learning Objectives
After this webinar, you will be able to:
1. Explain what data analytics (DA) means and how it is being used as a tool for creating competitive advantage.
2. Understand what DA skills employers need.
3. Provide examples of data visualization.
4. Demonstrate to students how to develop DA skills for the future, including cases and research studies.