
This webinar was originally broadcast on:
Thursday, February 02, 2017 10:00 AM EST / 7:00 AM PDT
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As you’re likely aware, the New York Department of Financial Services announced a series of new rules strengthening cybersecurity requirements. Within six months of the March 1, 2017 effective date, financial firms will be required to:

  • Establish a cybersecurity program and adopt a written cybersecurity policy
  • Designate a Chief Information Security Officer
  • Ensure the security of information shared with third parties
  • Adhere to additional requirements, including a security risk assessment

Looking for help navigating these regulations? ePlus can perform a detailed security risk assessment geared specifically for the new cybersecurity requirements. This tiered assessment will take a close look at your identified risks, assess the integrity of your information systems, evaluate your existing controls, and propose mitigation.

Remember, you have 180 days to be in compliance once these new rules take effect, and this is an annual requirement.

Attend our “Meeting the NYS Cybersecurity Requirements” webinar on February 2 at 10:00 AM EST to make sure you are prepared.

Register for this webinar so you can comply with the new requirements.


Mr. David Kim (CISSP)
Security Advisory Services
ePlus Technology, inc.


Paula Bernier
Executive Editor