var eventLanguageObj = new Object(); eventLanguageObj["flashallconnectionfailed:flashtests"]="\"\" Flash Playback Alert

Flash Content Could Not Play Successfully

The Flash content could not play successfully on your computer - the exact reason could not be determined.


Reduce Network Traffic: Close other applications or browser windows; suspend any streaming music or video on other computers on your network. Then Retry below.

Test Your System: Run a System Test.

Browser Cache: Delete Temporary Internet files and Retry.

Other: Contact your Systems Administrator to review Network Configuration and other possible causes such as Virus Software, Firewall and/or Proxy Server settings.

"; eventLanguageObj["flashinvalidplugin:flashtests"]="\"\" Flash Playback Alert

Invalid Flash Player Version

The version of Flash Player currently installed on your computer is not supported- Macromedia Flash Player version 10 or higher is required in order to view the current Flash content.

Your Options:

Install Latest Flash Player
Please click here to download and install latest Flash Player.
Note: During the installation you will need to close all browser windows and relaunch the Audience Console.


Wait for Flash content to conclude
When the Flash content concludes, the presentation will automatically resume."; eventLanguageObj["flashnotenoughbandwidth:flashtests"]="\"\" Flash Playback Alert

Insufficient Bandwidth for Flash Content

The Flash content could not play successfully on your computer - our tests indicate that you might not have sufficient bandwidth to view the Flash content included in this presentation.


Reduce Bandwidth Consumption
Close other applications and browser windows; close any high-bandwidth applications such as streaming music or video on this and other computers on your network. Then Retry below.

Test Your System
Please test your system to ensure it meets requirements.

"; eventLanguageObj["flashpluginnotfound:flashtests"]="\"\" Flash Playback Alert

Flash Player Not Installed

Macromedia Flash Player is not installed on your computer - it is required in order to view the current Flash content.

Your Options:

Install Latest Flash Player
Please click here to download and install the latest Flash Player.
Note: During the installation you will need to close all browser windows and relaunch the Audience Console.


Wait for Flash content to conclude
When the Flash content concludes, the presentation will automatically resume."; eventLanguageObj["tysflashallconnectionfailed:flashtests"]="Could Not Play Flash Test Video

Flash Video Could Not Play Successfully
The Flash test video could not play successfully on your computer - the exact reason could not be determined.


Reduce Network Traffic: Close other applications or browser windows; suspend any streaming music or video on other computers on your network. Then Retry below.

Browser Cache: Delete Temporary Internet Files and Retry.

Other: Contact your Systems Administrator to review Network Configuration and other possible causes such as Virus Software, Firewall and/or Proxy Server settings."; eventLanguageObj["tysflashinvalidplugin:flashtests"]="Could Not Play Flash Test Video

Invalid Flash Player Version
The version of Flash Player currently installed on your computer is not supported- Macromedia Flash Player version 10 or higher is required in order to view the Flash content included in this presentation.


Install Latest Flash Player
Please click here to download and install the latest Flash Player. Note: During the installation you will need to close all browser windows."; eventLanguageObj["tysflashnotenoughbandwidth:flashtests"]="Could Not Play Flash Test Video

Insufficient Bandwidth for Flash Content
Our tests indicate that you might not have sufficient bandwidth to view the Flash content included in this presentation.


Reduce Bandwidth Consumption:
Close other applications and browser windows; close any high-bandwidth applications such as streaming music or video on this and other computers on your network. Then Retry below.

"; eventLanguageObj["tysflashpluginnotfound:flashtests"]="Could Not Play Flash Test Video

Flash Player Not Installed
Macromedia Flash Player is not installed on your computer - it is required in order to view the Flash content included in this presentation.


Install Latest Flash Player
Please click here to download and install the latest Flash Player. Note: During the installation you will need to close all browser windows.";