
Learn more about the tremendous value Open Data Plane brings to NFV

On-demand webcast: Aired live:
April 07, 2015 01:00 PM EDT

Open Data Plane (ODP) is a fundamental open source, cross-architecture and cross-platform data plane programming API which enables application portability across diverse platforms from the edge through to the core of the network. It has been conceived and developed over 2 years by a cross section of networking stakeholders including OEMs, SoC vendors and ISVs to meet the unyielding latency, power and size constraints of real network deployments which demand diverse and scalable compute platforms based on highly-integrated, workload-optimized SoCs, supported by a common layer of enabling software.

This webinar will outline how ODP abstracts implementation details from developers; enabling access to diverse hardware and software functions with a common API. Until now, OEMs and ISVs developers had to target proprietary, vendor-optimized APIs for each vendors’ platform, making it difficult to take full advantage of unique features without creating migration barriers, defeating choice and flexibility. Attendees will come to understand how ODP uniquely embraces and extends vendor-optimized run-time environments offered today by all silicon vendors, and enables the utilization of any available, underlying hardware acceleration capabilities, decoupling software innovation from hardware resources while still maximizing throughput efficiency. A review of collaborative specification and development efforts with the NFV community will demonstrate the tremendous value ODP brings to the realization of NFV goals, while leveraging the innovation of the full range of networking silicon platforms available in the market today.

Bob Monkman, Networking Segment Marketing Manager, ARM
Bill Fischofer, Senior Software Engineer, Linaro Networking Group

Brandon Lewis, OpenSystems Media
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